Central Arkansas Landman Association Meeting

Tonight, I'll be speaking at the Central Arkansas Landman Association meeting in Conway, Arkansas at Centennial Valley Country Club.  I will be speaking on trespass and horizontal drilling.  From my research on the issue, I have found that Arkansas' jurisprudence is lacking (a good thing for Arkansas producers, since there have not been many claims), but there are a few Arkansas cases involving salt-water disposal wells, as well as some guidance from Texas and Louisiana that may offer a glimpse into how an Arkansas Court would address a claim.  I'll try to post some thoughts in the coming days about this area of oil and gas law.

C. Michael Daily is an oil, gas and mineral law attorney with the long-established law firm of Daily & Woods, P.L.L.C. and is licensed to practice oil, gas, and mineral law in Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Wyoming. Oil, gas and mineral law attorney C. Michael Daily can be contacted by telephone at 479-242-3953, by email at mdaily@dailywoods.com, or by regular post at 58 South 6th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902.  

C. Michael Daily accepts oil, gas, and mineral law cases in Columbia County, Union County, Pope County, Franklin County, Sebastian County, Faulkner County, Van Buren County, Conway County, Johnson County, Pulaski County, White County, Searcy County, Scott County, and Cleburne County, Arkansas. C. Michael Daily represents mineral producers at all stages of production, assists mineral owners with ownership disputes, and represents his clients in state, federal court and before the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission. You can follow Oil, gas, and mineral lawyer C. Michael Daily via social network using any of the social network links in the right hand column of the page.  Disclaimer:  This blog is for informational purposes, is certainly not to be considered legal advice and is absolutely not a substitute for any of the benefits that are associated with the attorney-client relationship. Your case is unique--if you have an Arkansas oil, gas, or mineral law question, you can contact C. Michael Daily. 


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