United States Only One of Four Countries that Produces Shale Gas and Tight Oil

With our firm centrally located in Western Arkansas, it's been enjoyable being able to represent producers in Arkansas and Oklahoma as they have produced natural resources from the Fayetteville Shale and the Woodford Shale.  Shale gas and tight oil production has assisted the United States in becoming energy independent over the past few years and here is an interesting article that briefly discusses how the United States is one of only four other countries actively producing from these formations.

C. Michael Daily is an attorney with the long-established law firm of Daily & Woods, P.L.L.C. and is licensed to practice in the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Wyoming. Mr. Daily can be contacted by telephone at 479-242-3953, by email at mdaily@dailywoods.com, or by regular post at 58 South 6th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902.  You can follow Mr. Daily via social network using any of the social network links in the right hand column of the page.  Disclaimer:  This blog is for informational purposes, is certainly not to be considered legal advice and is absolutely not a substitute for any of the benefits that are associated with the attorney-client relationship.


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